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KOKSAR NALA: Presentation

Here we go again! Eight years after our last expedition in Chamjé Khola, the team is going to India, in the Spliti valley, to open new canyons. And the ultimate goal is the opening the canyon named Khoksar Nala, certainly one of the highest and largest canyon of the North of the Himalayan Pradesh.


The team of this international expedition will be led this time by Rodolphe, from France (Leader of the Chamje Khola expedition 2011 )and Olda from the Czech Republic (Leader of the Chamje Khola expedition 2015), Lio from France (Chamje Khola expedition 2011) and Jari from Italia (Chamje Khola expedition 2015 & 2019) for the technic part. This time the movie and pictures will be make by Adrien (was also in Chamje as cameraman and made "Katha Yaatraa"), Julien as 2nd cameraman and photographer and Fabian as a Drone pilot.

The Indian’s teammates Monish and Sunny,  will cooperate with the rescue team Jean Lucand Katka in order to secure the canyoning team and to support and organize the logistic (access, bivouac, etc). Cecile will be our Doctor, connected with us while residing in France.

The French paraglider team Hélio, Franck and Christelle, who will be already in India with their association "Bi placeur du Monde", will help us to recognize the canyon before and add some footage for the movie and lot of fun.


Surely, this expedition would be, like Chamje did, worthy model for the next canyoning generation and a boost of the high level canyon expedition. (Cf : HCT SPIRIT)



Canyoning Leader

Nationality: French (49 years old) Member of Chamje Khola expedition (201) Canyoning and Caving Professional - French caving rescue team - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

Népal (2004, 2005, 2011, 2016) ; Mexico ; Spain ; Italy ; Morocco ; Sardiania ; Baleares ; Corsica ;Reunion ; France of course


Canyoning Leader

Nationality: French (48 years old) Chamje Khola expedition leader(2011) V7.A.7Ex Leader of the"Canyoning in Nepal“ project 2004-2011Leader of the "Canyoning in Indian“ project 2009-2011 - International Canyoning Trainer - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

Nepal, India, New Zealand, America,Scotland, Montenegro, Morocco, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Indonesia, Greece, Slovenia


Canyoning Leader

Nationality: Italian ( 35 years old) Member of Chamje Khola Expedition (2018 & 2019) Climbing Guide - Resque 3 International - White Water Rescue - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, Slovenia, Austria, Nepal


Canyoning Leader

Nationality: Czech (48 years old) Chamje Khola expedition leader (2018) International Canyoning Trainer Caving Rescue - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

Nepal, Reunion, Morocco, Madeira, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France, Mexico, Mauretania, Russia


Canyoning Movie maker & Photographe

Nationality: French (33 years old) International Canyoning Trainer & Professional canyoning photographer/videographer - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

Nepal, New Zealand, Scotland,
Montenegro,Switzerland, Italia , Spain, Indonesia, Canada,


Community manager & Movie Team

Nationality: French (33 years old) Former digital project manager - Canyoning Assistant Instructor - Professional canyoning photographer/videographer - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

France, Montenegro, New Zealand, Indonesia, Spain



Nationality : French (48 years old) Expedition doctor (Chamjé Khola) - Himalayan Canyon Team member -General Practitioner and Emergency Room Doctor - Fédération Française de Spéléologie member - French caving rescue Team - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

Réunion, Sierra de Guara, Baléares, Népal, Slovenia, Montenegro


Drone Pilot

Nationality : French (39 years old) GIS (Geographic Information System) Engineer/ Project manager for French ministry of ecology Drone pilote / Fox AlphaTango Telepilote licence DGAC (French Civile Aviation) Photographer/Videographer Kitesurf Instructor - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

France, Spain, Thailand


Organisator manager

Nationality: India (38 years old) Adventure Mantra Pvt Ltd Founder & Managing Director - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

Scotland, Indonésia, India


Paragliding Team

Nationality: French (44 Years old) Paragliding instructor since 1999 Speed riding instructor Kitesurfing, scuba diving, freefall pilot - Founder Zephyr and kymaya paragliding schools Founded of "Biplaceur du monde" association (BPM) Paragliding experience: 12 years in Indian Himalaya, Morrocco, Spain - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

France, Spain, India


Paragliding Team

Nationality : French (45 Years old) European Mountain leader since 2000 Trekking experience : France, Spain, Nepal, India, Sri lanka - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

France, Spain


Paragliding Team

Nationality: French (44 Years old) BEES amm (cape verde, madere, pyrenees) BEES paragliding (Corsica, Portugal, Morocco, India, Nepal) Technical Director of the Kymaya School - Representative of the "Air sports" sector within the Ariège Tourist Development Agency -HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

France, Spain, Italy


Rescue Team

Nationality: Czech (38 years old) Czech Canyoning Association Secretary “CAC” Canyoning Assistant Instructor - HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

Morocco, Madeira, Switzerland, Italy, Monte Negro, Greece, Slovenia, Romania


Rescue Team

Nationality: French ( 50 years old) 20 years of himalayan canyon exploration and around the world. Team member of ChamjeKhola 2011 Nepal Expedition (A7-V7-E) – Federal Rock climbing & Mountaineering Rescue Instructor, Himalayan rescue in charge for The IMF (Indian Mountaineering Foundation) -HCT’s member

Canyoning experience :

France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Colombia, India, Nepal, China (Tibet) Bouthan, Philippines, Moroco

Approached details.


None of the canyon can be accessed by road.

The base camp can be rather in Koksar (3500m) or in Gramphu (3200). The base camp can move according the canyon explored and the available facilities on spot.

We will move from Manali to the base camp by jeep, motorbike and bus – 66km one way – 4/6hrs according the road and weather conditions.


Canyons approached:

  • For all canyon we will have a “frontal” approached (from the side bank of the canyon itself) due to the fact that each canyon takes its origin from a glacier area (stretch between Bara-lacha La (4890m), the Chenab river (3100m)) almost impossible to cross and/or to access by another mean or another way.

-     With Himalayan mountaineering technic and life line (fix rope) we will bring all the teams and material to the entrance of each canyon.

-     The fixed rope will be used for the supportive team to bring back to the base camp the material (tents, sleeping bags, ice equipment if any, etc). The supportive and rescue team will unbolt and take off the equipment once the main canyon team descent will be over.

-     Canyons will start at an approximate altitude of 4500mts to end at 3300mts into the Chenab river.

-     An advance camp (CAMP 1) will be settled up at the starting point or nearby of each canyon.

-     Estimated altitude difference between higher point entrance point and lower exit point 900m to 1100m.

-     The approach team will explore few days before (sept/oct2020) the access field conditions and possibilities.



The weather can change very fast in few hours from warm and sunny to heavy snow fall and storm.

High altitude mountaineering equipment is required and is a must for all team members.

In case of bad weather, a good and well set up base camp is required.

Advanced camp 1: extra sleeping equipment’s and food are required in case of storm and the team get stuck, up at the starting point of the canyon.


©2019 by Himalayan Canyon Team. Créé avec

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